~ If your heart seeks a witness to God’s saving power & grace, come to worship at St. Peter’s United Methodist Church on September 15 to hear the testimonies and music of Teen Challenge! Overcomers of all ages will provide special musical selections throughout the worship hour, as they also affirm God’s spirit in helping to overcome addictions. The group comes from the Rehrersburg, PA area to share of their life transformations. Join us at the 10:00am worship hour. Stay for coffee hour fellowship. You are welcome here!
~ GriefShare, a 14-week grief recovery support group, will open sessions at St. Peter’s United Methodist Church beginning Sunday afternoon, September 29th . Class starts at 3:00pm. Led by a trained counsellor, the GriefShare meetings are open to anyone who has lost a spouse, child, friend, or family member and is experiencing difficulty in moving toward reconciliation of the loss. Class size is limited; please call the church at 570-992-7311 and leave a message with your name and phone number, or email fraubeersie1@gmail.com to register. Weekly attendance is not mandated, but highly recommended. Class will continue through the Thanksgiving & Christmas holidays, with special sessions devoted to coping with the holidays.
~ There’s still time to reserve an area at St. Peter’s United Methodist Church’s Autumn Flea Market and profit from your summer efforts to clean out & downsize! The Flea Market is scheduled for September 7th, with a rain-date of September 14th. Highly visible from Route 115, the flea market will be open for business from 9:00am – 2:00pm. The church will offer lunch fare, beverages and baked items for hungry vendors and bargain shoppers. Call 570-992-6930 to reserve your spot!
~ After months of renovation and updating, St. Peter’s United Methodist Church will once again open the doors to our ROAST BEEF DINNER aficionados! The family-style meal will be served in our fellowship hall on October 26th from 3:30pm – 7:00pm. Take-out meals will be available from 3:00pm – 5:00pm ONLY. Dinner includes tender roast beef, mashed potatoes, gravy, glazed carrots, corn, beverage and home-baked desserts. Put the DATE on your Calendars! Come, bring your family & friends, enjoy a great meal! We’ll welcome you!
St. Peter’s United Methodist Church is located at 924 Rt. 115, in Saylorsburg. Call 570-992-7311 for additional information.