Set aside April 20th for the first day of planting at the Garden of Giving for 2024. That's the day when 3,000 onion sets will be planted. Planted along with the onions will be other spring crops such as Swiss Chard and Parsley. This large job will require lots of volunteers, so youth groups, scouts and students looking to fulfill their community service requirements will be very welcome.
Preparation for this big day started on March 19th when volunteers from Top of the World Ministries worked to clean up the extensive damage from winter, and from the havoc wrought by the recent heavy wind storm.
Saturday, APRIL 6th is OPENING DAY, when clean up of the Gardens will resume. Help would be much appreciated!
Every non-profit organization requires funding to survive, and this is where the help of someone who can help with fundraising would be so appreciated. You don't need experience to help with grant applications, just a willingness to put in the time and effort. YOU can be the person who guarantees the success of this wonderful organization. Someone to coordinate all the volunteers and their schedules would be such a blessing. Help in the office with emails and paperwork would give such a boost to efficiency. Can you find two hours a week to spare?
Looking ahead, set aside May 18th - 19th for the Big Planting. The Garden will be open from 9:30am to 4:30pm for a full day of starting all the tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants and other summer vegetables. Volunteers will be supplied with everything they need for a successful day; gloves, sunscreen water, and a picnic lunch for everyone will be served for lunch under the pavilion. It will be a great time to meet new friends and help your community. The Garden is beautiful, with a beautiful view. You will enjoy your day there!
Contact the Garden of Giving at 570-402-1282, or email Visit the Garden's Facebook page, or the website at The Garden is located in McMichaels, off Rt 715 at 2556 Rising Hill Drive, Saylorsburg.
